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CDA (BR) Guwahati, Jt. CDA (BR) Chandigarh and Accounts Offices (Projects) and Task Forces located in the entire length and breadth of the country including.books, maintained by the HQ DGBR are audited by the Main Office, PCDA(BR) New Delhi. Twenty-Five percent of the current service books of the GREF Personnel.charge of the new post, whichever is later. Honble Delhi High Court judgement dated 23/08/2017 and Honble Supreme Court. PCDA (BR),.People also viewed ; manpreet kaur. Lead Auditor at TÜV SÜD. New Delhi ; Sunil Kumar. Project Manager at Asahi India Glass Limited (AIS). Haryana, India ; Manpreet.Principal accounting and audit authority of BRO in the top floor of the building. O/o the PCDA BR. This is Head Office of Border Road Organization. CSD.Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(Border Roads),New.Controller Defence Accounts Border Roads in the city New DelhiList of Office Addresses - CGDA
2. The PCDA, New Delhi. The PCDA (BR), Delhi Cantt. 4. The PIFA (Army-o), Delhi. 5. The PCDA (NC), Jammu. 6. The PCDA (WC), Chandigarh.The PIFA (Army-O) New Delhi. The PCDA (BR) Delhi Cantt. 5. Subject: The Competent Authority has approved posting/transfer/additional charge in respect of.PCDA. DL DAD PCDA JPS New Delhi dl-pcda-palam. 7 CGDA, New Delhi. Jt. CGDA. DL DAD Jt CGDA (AT-Pay) New Delhi. DL DAD Addl CDA(BR) New Delhi dl-acda.MO NEW DELHI. IFA COAST. PCDA NEW. 210. 489. VIKRANT VIMAL. 8334806. GUARD NEW. DELHI. 211. 0036. MUKESH KUMAR. 8337557. CDA (A) MEERUT AGRA. IFA 1 CORPS.INDIA, NEW DELHI. DELHI. 09/12/2020. 8. DEVIKA RAGHUVANSHI (SMT). 06/02/1965. 1987. 1988. 09/12/1988. HAG. 28/05/2018. PCDA. PCDA (BR).Principal Controller Defence Accounts Border Roads - indiapl.suman yadav - auditor - pcda(br) - LinkedInCGDA. juhD453gf
AN/1A/1507/IDAS/POSTING/VOI-XI. DA/RR) Net. 3. The PCDA (BR) New Delhi. 1. The CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt- 110010.17 PCDA(BR), NEW DELHI. NEW DELHI. 4 Mbps. 18 CDA, CHENNAI. CHENNAI. 4 mbps. 19 CDA(PD), MEERUT. MEERUT. 4 mbps. 20 CDA, SECUNDERABAD. SECUNDERABAD.The PCDA,WC Sector 9-C Chandigarh. 2. New Delhi. Conference Hall Office of the. PCDA(BR), Seema Sadak Bhawan,Ring.SrAO/AO ; SHRI RAJESH KUMAR, AO, AO 25 BRTF IMPHOL UNDER PCDA(BR) NEW DELHI, 01/02/2021 (AN) ; SHRI ANINDYA BISWAS, SAO, AO GE BARRACKPORE UNDER CDA PATNA, 12/12/.(PCDA NEW DELHI NEW DELHI. CDA(ARMY) MEERUT AGRA. 118. 8331214. SA. DELHI. PCDA(BR). DELHI CANTT. 59. 174. 8342529. ANU D SHA(MS.) AUD. PCDA(O)PUNE.The PCDA(SC), Pune. The CDA(Army), Meerut. The PCDA(CC), Lucknow. The CDA(AF), New Delhi. The PCDA(BR), Delhi Cantt. The CFA(Fys), Jabalpur.10. The PCDA (BR), Delhi Cantt. 11. The PCDA (SWC), Jaipur. 12. The PCDA (SC), Pune. 13. The PIFA (Army-O), New Delhi.DELHI CANTT-110010. the new office/place of posting provided nothing adverse against them has. 197 8338980 SURENDRA SINGH SA PCDA(BR).PCDA(RandD) New Delhi. AAO BSO Tezpur under. CDA Guwahati. AO 755 BRTF Agartala under PCDA(BR)Delhi. AAO DEO Kolkata under. CDA Patna.under PCDA (BR) Delhi Cantt. vide circular No. AN/ll/2407/PCDA (BR) Delhi,. duly filled in, to the Main Office latest by 22.03.2021.AO DAD, MOD (Civil) New Delhi,. 4. Admin VI (Local). (AO, DAD(Civ) New Delhi) and 99/25 (CDA, CSD Mumbai) and. PCDA ( BR ) Delhi Cantt.PCDA BR NEW DELHI. 7. PCDA RandD BANGALURU. 9. PCDA RandD NEW DELHI. 10. PIFA ARMY-O NEW. DELHI. 11. PIFA ARMY-M NEW. CDA BR GUWAHATI. 16. CDA GUWAHATI.PCDA (SC), Pune. PCDA, New Delhi. PCDA (AF), Dehradun. PCDA (RandD), New Delhi. 7. PCDA (Navy), Mumbai. PCA (Fys), Kolkata. 9. PCDA (BR).Hospital, Delhi Cantt from 23th to 27th September, 2019 (5 days). Participants for CENTRAD, New Delhi. Annexure A. PCDA (BR) Delhi Cantt.10. The PCDA (BR), Delhicantt. 2L. lFA, HQ EAC, Shilliong. 11. The PIFA (ArmY-M), New Delhi. Subject: Posting/Transfer : IDAS Officers.from concerned controller with direction to report to the new office. PCDA (NC) Jammu, PCDA (BR) Delhi Cantt. and CDA (PD) Meerut are.Ref: CGDA Delhi Cantt. letter bearing No. PCDA New. Misc. Section. Delhi (for PCDA New. Main Office CDA. The PCDA (BR) Delhi to the new office/place of posting provided nothing adverse against them has come. DELHI. MEERUT. 336 8334611 MUNESH KUMAR AAO. SHARMA. PCDA (BR).PCDA(BR) N.Delhi. 54 102. CDA(CSD) Mumbai. ੪l 119. PCDA(Navy) Mumbai. 23 PCDA New Delhi 17 16 4739. 24. PCDA(O) Pune. 48 139 69. CDA(Funds), Meerut - 12.The PCDA (AF), New Delhi. The IFA (BR), Delhi Cantt. Shri Vijay Sharma, IDAS PCDA, New Delhi PCDA, New Delhi IFA FOGA/FONA,.The PCDA(P), Allahabad. The Pr.IFA(AF), New Delhi. The PCDA(CC), Lucknow. The IFA HQ (TC) AF, Bangalore. 3. The PCDA(BR), Delhi Cantt.Check PCDA G BLOCK vs PCDA BR, 10th All India DAD Cricket Tournament Northern Zone Round with full Cricket scorecard, match summary, ball by ball commentary.. serving under your organization /office with direction to report for duty in new. The PCDA (BR), Delhi Cantt. E-mail: pcdawcan PCDA, New Delhi. 2. The PCA (Fys.), Kolkata. 3. The PCDA (BR), Delhi Cantt. 4. The PCDA (SC), Pune. 5. The IFA (Capital-Army), New.PCoA (Fys) Kolkata, PCDA New Delhi, CDA (BR) New Delhi and PCDA (SWC). Jaipur. These offices may please initiate special drive to clear the balances.The PCDA(BR). the promotion of Shri Banwari Swarup (IDAS:1980), PCDA(BR), Delhi Cantt to the grade of. PCDA(RandD), New Delhi on temporary basis.Sewa Bhawan, New Delhi,. Ministry of Defence (Fin/BR), New Delhi : 2. Office of the CGDA,. PCDA (BR), Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road, Delhi Cantt,. New.The PCDA (Pension), Allahabad Auditing Controller. The PCDA, New Delhi. The PCDA(BR), Delhi Cantt. The PCDA(RandD), Hyderabad On reporting,.immediately with the directions to assume charge at the new place of posting. IFA (BR), Delhi PCDA (BR), Delhi CGDA, Delhi Cantt.DGADS, New Delhi. 3. PCDA (BR), Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road, Delhi Cantt-10. 4. D(Appointments), Ministry of Defence.for duty in their new offices of posting as indicated in Annexure. The PCDA(BR), Delhi Cantt. The PCDA, Bangalore. The PCDA New Delhi tangue. (Sangeet).SAS (A) PCDA(BR) DELHI PUNE. CANTT. 88. 8346876. ASHISH KUMAR. 89. 8334773. SUJIT KUMAR SINHA. AAO. CGDA. DELHI. PCDA NEW IFA (DG-MAP). DELHI. DELHI.The PCDA (BR) Delhi. PCDA (BR) Chandigarh CDA (PD) Meerut. SA/8329988. PCDA (NC) New Delhi CDA (AF) New. Clk./8330141. Jammu. Delhi. Tarsem Lal,.PCDA(BR). Delhi Cantt. 2. He may please be relieved of his duties in your organization immediately with. PCDA NEW DELHI. CDA (PD) MEERUT. PCDA (SC) PUNE.PCDA (BR) DELHI CANTT. PCDA (RandD) NEW DELHI. PCDA NEW DELHI. PCDA BANGALORE. 9 PCDA (CC) LUCKNOW. 10 PCDA (O) PUNE. 11 PCA (FYS) KOLKATA. 12 PCDA (AF).. Naraina, New Delhi, Delhi +91 11 2569 9233 एक संपादन का सुझाव दें. O/o the PCDA BR.3G QCR TTọ, 44H, farsi algat/Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt - 110 010. # 011-25665543, 25665541, Fax No. 19 - PCDA (BR), New Delhi